When you’re searching for the perfect position, it pays to develop a great relationship with a recruiter who can add real value to your career. But with so many recruiters to choose from, how do you find the right one? And, once you do find them, how do you develop a successful relationship?
To help you on the path to success, here are 5 insider secrets for getting the best results with your recruiter.
1. Choose wisely
Canberra is a small town, so it’s worth taking the time to ask around for referrals.
Rather than calling the first recruitment agency you come across (and being transferred to whoever happens to be at their desk), seek out people who have had a good experience with a recruiter and can vouch for their value.
Most recruiters specialise in a particular field (i.e.: IT, admin, finance, etc), so find people in your specific industry who have dealt with a recruiter relatively recently with positive results.
Word of mouth can be incredibly powerful, and your due diligence will likely pay off in the long run.
2. Don’t register with multiple recruitment agencies
In order for a recruiter to go above and beyond for you, they need to feel that you are committed to them and their process. If you’re registered with 10 recruitment agencies, there’s a good chance their time and effort is going to be wasted.
Instead, register with one (maximum two) recruitment agencies and give them time to shine.
The love goes both ways, so if a recruiter feels that you have placed your trust in them, they’ll be significantly more motivated to get results. I always ask candidates to work with me (and me alone) for just a few weeks. If I fail to deliver an outcome, they are more than welcome to call someone else.
Agree on a timeframe with your new recruiter and then honour it. This allows the recruiter to put in the required time to find you the ideal job, rather than feeling under pressure to find just any job quickly
3. Be open and honest
When you make contact with a recruiter, they need to learn all about you so that they understand how best to support you in achieving your goals.
Approach the new relationship with honesty, and be open about the direction in which you’re headed. A recruiter is a valuable resource for helping you achieve career nirvana – if they know what your nirvana looks like!
You also need to be upfront about any bumps you may have hit in your career thus far. Workplace clashes, performance management activities, or professional relationship breakdowns will likely be revealed by in-depth reference checking. So, it is best to be honest about these types of situations, and relay them to your recruiter from your perspective
4. Expect communication
A good recruiter will set expectations from the very beginning, so you have no doubt as to what you should (and shouldn’t) do during the process.
A good recruiter will also provide advice on your resume and interview techniques. They want you to succeed, so trust in their expertise and accept constructive feedback.
Expect regular updates on how your applications are progressing. For example, when I begin working with a new candidate, I explain what I am going to do next and when I am going to call with an update. If you went for an interview, I will find out how it went and give you feedback.
Expect your recruiter to say what they do and do what they say. If they don’t, you may need to look elsewhere
5. Be wary of pressure
If a recruiter is quick to find a position that only half meets your requirements, and then pressures you to take it, they may not be acting in your best interest.
Remember that recruiters make money when you are placed in a job. And if they’re trying to make a quick buck instead of building a relationship, they may find you just about anything that matches your salary and try to talk you into it.
They’re also more likely to avoid jobs where multiple interviews are required (as it drags out the process). However, multiple interviews can be a fantastic way for you to evaluate the opportunity at hand – and the company making it – which ensures you’re more comfortable with your decision after the dust settles.
Don’t get fast talked into something that’s not right for you. Best practice recruitment is to do our best to seek a position where company culture, location, salary, experience and management style suits you – and the more exposure you have to the position beforehand, the better. If you feel like your recruiter wants to send you off to the first job that comes along rather than taking the time to invest in finding your next perfect role, it’s time to look for someone who will!
And there you have it! My 5 insider secrets for getting the best results from your recruiter. If you can find someone with a great reputation, give them time to shine, and be open and honest while expecting the same in return, you’ll be well on your way to a positive and powerful relationship with someone who’ll always have your career best interest at heart.
Anyone who has ever followed their heart and made a career jump will tell you it’s a journey filled with uncertainty and excitement.
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As both an executive and a recruiter/friend to senior executives in a variety of industries, the highs and lows of leadership do not escape me.